1. Basic provisions
1.1 This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the «Agreement») is an official document of Monomanager FZCO (Legal address: 21000, UAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 3, P2 / Block A; Taxpayer Identification Number: 104114466600001; License Number: 21459, email: support@monomananager.com) (further — Administration).
Application Administration — https://monomanager.com (hereinafter referred to as the «application, website»), offers the use of the application and its technical capabilities to any person under the terms of this Agreement. A prerequisite for using the application is the full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms of this Agreement in full.
1.2 All text and graphic materials posted in the application are protected by copyright law. Reproduction, posting on the Internet and public use of the application materials in any form is not allowed without the express written permission of the Administration. Copyrights, trademarks and all other proprietary rights represented in the content (including, but not limited to, software, services, text, graphics and logos) belong to the Administration and are protected by international copyright laws. Copyrighted or otherwise legally protected materials provided as part of the services provided are licensed and not sold.
The Administration owns all necessary rights, including, but not limited to, any games, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogues, catch phrases, concepts, illustrations, animation, sounds, musical compositions, audiovisual effects, method of operation, documentation, information about character profiles, accounts, virtual currency and virtual items, as well as materials created and/or received or provided during the game or developed during the game. games and all related intellectual property rights.
1.2.1 The external materials referenced in the application are the intellectual property of their owners. The Administration is not obliged to check or control, and also does not approve, does not confirm and does not make any statements or guarantees regarding such content. Your use of other users’ content and any interaction with other users is solely at your own risk. You agree that the Administration is not responsible for any liability resulting from any such interaction.
1.3 This Agreement is valid for an indefinite period during which the User accesses the services of the application.
1.4 The administration of the application reserves the right to make changes to the text of this Agreement, sections of the application, tariffs, by publishing a new version, which comes into force from the moment it is posted in the application. The User undertakes to independently check the Agreement for changes. The User’s failure to take actions to familiarize himself with the Agreement and/or the amended version of the Agreement cannot serve as a basis for the User’s failure to fulfill his obligations and the User’s failure to comply with the restrictions established by the Agreement.
1.5 The administration of the application is not responsible for the consequences associated with the fact that the user has not read the rules set out in this Agreement, as well as for any damage or harm caused to the User in connection with the use of the application. Under no circumstances will the Administration be liable to you or any third party for any lost profits or any indirect, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or punitive damages arising from or related to this agreement, any game, even if the Administration has been notified of the possibility of such damages. Access to and use of the game is at your sole discretion and risk, and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or mobile device, or loss of data resulting from this.
In some jurisdictions, it is not allowed to limit or exclude liability for incidental or consequential damages or other special rules are provided, so the Administration asks you to check prudently for the subject of losses and lost profits in your country.
1.5.1 The User guarantees that he is not subject to legal restrictions on the use of online services, that he has all the necessary powers to conclude this Agreement or has received the necessary permission in the form required by law from his parents or legal representatives.
1.5.2 The User receives the right to use the mobile application from the moment it is installed on his device through the application store (Google Play or App Store), which also means that the Administration properly fulfills the obligation to transfer the right to use the mobile application to the User.
1.5.3 By registering in the application, the rules of use of which are indicated in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, the User accepts and undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement by registering and authorizing in the application, carried out using the interface provided to the User at the first launch of the Client.
1.5.4 In order to gain access to this Content, the User needs authentication performed using a special unique identifier — an Authorization Token stored on the user’s device. In case of loss of the Authorization Token due to resetting the device to factory settings, reinstalling the system software, operating system or other method, the user re-passes the authentication procedure, receiving a new authorization Token.
1.5.5 The performance of functions by a mobile application is possible only if there is access to the Internet. The User independently receives and pays for access to the Internet on the terms and at the rates of his telecom operator or Internet access provider.
1.5.6 The User consents to the processing, storage and use of his personal data of the Administration for the following purposes:
• consent to the processing of personal data for use by the mobile application. Personal data refers to any information relating to the User as a subject of personal data, including the user’s photo (avatar) specified by the User during registration and other information, according to the legislation.
• distribution by means of information and communication services using any means of communication.
The User confirms that the personal data specified during registration in the application are reliable and received directly from the User (are the User’s personal data). The User agrees to the transfer of his personal data via open communication channels of the Internet network.
This consent is valid from the moment it is provided until it is withdrawn by sending a written notification of the withdrawal of this consent to the Administration by the User.
The user independently ensures the safety of his data for authorization.
In case of registration via social networks or third-party Internet services and the User loses data for authorization on the site, data recovery must be performed directly on the social network or Internet service through which registration was made.
1.6 The Game is provided on an «as is» basis, the User is not guaranteed that the Game, as well as the features, services and services provided inside the Game will function smoothly, continuously, without errors, and will also meet the requirements and expectations of the User.
1.6.1 The User agrees, understands and accepts that the Game is not a gambling game, a game for money, a contest, a bet and that the purchase of Additional Services is his will and desire and is not a necessary or mandatory condition for participation in the Game and the gameplay. The ratings and counters won cannot be exchanged for the currency of any country.
1.6.2 User Counters, credits, coins, achievements, items and other User Content are stored on the Game Server.
1.6.3 The values of the counters (including the counters of the «honor boards» tables, rating, victory counter, credit counter, etc.) belong to the Owner. The owner reserves the right to dispose of these counters at his discretion. The ownership of the counters is not granted to the Player.
1.6.4. Credits and coins are not property, personal account or means of payment. Ways for the User to continue using game coins to perform actions in the Game are not paid functions.

2. Basic terms and definitions
2.1 Mobile Application, Clients — an application designed to receive a gaming service installed on a separate User device.
2.2 Server — a computer accessible from the Internet that ensures the operation of the Game, connection and interaction of Clients.
2.3 Content — information of various kinds related to the Game and received by the user when using the Client, including account characteristics, counters, high score tables, text of notifications and chats, images, sounds.
2.4 User — any person registered as a participant of the Game and signed this Agreement.
2.5 Administrator — a person authorized to monitor and manage the Server on behalf of the copyright holder, unless otherwise specified.
2.6 Materials — information posted by Users in the Game with the permission of the owners.
2.7 Coupon is an electronic document certifying the user’s right to receive Services from third parties on the terms specified in this agreement, having a unique code. Information about the purchased Coupon, indicating the unique coupon code and description is placed in the user’s personal account in the application.
2.8 A Game is a collection of Clients for various platforms, Servers, Content, opportunities and services intended for non-commercial use by the User for entertainment purposes.
2.9 Rules — a set of conditions, requirements and algorithms that the user needs to know in order to implement the game process.
2.10 Additional paid services — providing the User with additional, special features of the Game for a fee, on the terms defined by this Agreement. Additional paid services are not a necessary condition for the User to participate in the Game, or for the User to receive Services and are provided to the User in order for them to receive additional Game features that go beyond the Services. Additional Paid Services are provided upon request and at the request of the User. Additional paid services can be provided to the User only inside the Game, that is, during the User’s participation in the Game.

3. Rights and obligations of the user
3.1 The User is prohibited from carrying out and selling cheating of the rating, credits and other attributes, User counters by intentionally playing, by exploiting vulnerabilities, errors (bugs) of the Client or Server, or in any other way. All content that the administrator or moderator deems received not according to the rules of the game can be deleted.
3.2 The User undertakes to comply with this Agreement and to be familiarized with the current version of the Agreement in a timely manner, including independently bear responsibility for providing reliable data about himself and the consequences of non-compliance with this requirement.
3.3 If the User does not agree with the current Agreement, the User is obliged to stop using the application, including uninstalling the application.
3.4 The User has no right to license, modify, translate, adapt, combine, create derivative works, disassemble, decompile, recompile or reconstruct any part of the application, except in cases where the above restrictions are expressly prohibited by applicable law; no part of the application may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, uploaded, displayed, posted or published in any form or by any means, or the user has no right to remove or destroy any copyrights. notifications or other brand names contained in the game.
3.5 The User has the right to perform actions provided for by the Rules, exchange messages with other users, as well as send complaints within the rights provided for in the agreement.
3.6 The User undertakes not to use images and text containing offensive information, threats, blackmail, profanity, elements of nationalism and racism, calls for violence, advertising and commercial offers, as well as any information that violates the legislation of the country.
3.7 The User undertakes not to send identical or meaningless messages (spam).
3.8 The User undertakes not to use hardware and software automation tools (bots) to gain an advantage over other Users.
3.9 If an error or a controversial situation is detected, the user has the right to contact technical support. To do this, you need to use the feedback located in the info section, or write to support@monomanager.com using a third-party email client.
3.10 The User undertakes to play in compliance with the rules of the game (Appendix No. 1). The User is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, export and import regulations, and your present warranty includes your assurance that you will not use the Services from a jurisdiction that is subject to an embargo imposed by the U.S. government or/or responsible authorities. Of the European Union and that you are not listed on any lists of parties with restricted access by the US Government and/or responsible bodies of the European Union.
3.10.1 It is prohibited to play by prior agreement and intentionally lose, including for a fee.
3.10.2 Donation of coins on a reimbursable basis is prohibited.
3.10.3 Reverse engineering of the game code or protocol, the use of the game’s side, bots and other automation tools, as well as emulators, including for cheating (intentional actions aimed at increasing the rating or the number of game credits) is prohibited.

Rights and obligations
4.1. The Administration has the right to unilaterally, without prior notice, completely or partially restrict the functionality or access of the User to the Game, view, delete or change the User’s Content and Materials, as well as refuse the User further provision of services in the Game, without being responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such an action. Access to the game by users caught in such activities may be blocked, and data counters reduced or zeroed.
4.2. The Administration reserves the right to fully or partially restrict the functionality of the Game for technical, technological, preventive or other reasons at its sole discretion with or without prior notice to Users.
4.3. The Content is the property of the Owner, the User is provided with the service of access to the Content within the Game. The User hereby irrevocably, unconditionally and permanently releases the Administration from any and all claims, demands and rights to claims, both known and unknown, that relate to any interaction, action or inaction of any third-party service, other users of the games. or third-party advertisers.

5. Exclusive rights
5.1 Intellectual property law protects the rights of the copyright holder to the mobile application. The user does not acquire any exclusive rights to the intellectual property contained in the mobile application.
5.1.1 The Administration grants the User a non-exclusive license to download, install (reproduce), launch and subsequent use of the mobile application, subject to the User’s compliance with the conditions and restrictions specified in this Agreement. During the term of the Agreement, the User is granted the right to use the mobile application in the following ways:
• install the mobile application an unlimited number of times on an unlimited number of devices owned by the User, provided that the mobile application is fully preserved in the form presented in the corresponding application store (Google Play or App Store);
• use the functionality supported in the mobile application, services, services, tools available to Users;
• get access to the installation and use of new versions of the mobile application (as they are released).
5.1.2 The territory of use of the mobile application is the country in which the mobile application operates on the User’s device.
5.2 The Administration grants the User the right to use the materials of other Users by viewing exclusively for the purpose of non-commercial use, except in cases where such use may harm the legally protected interests of the copyright holder.
5.3 Any use of the objects of exclusive rights placed in the Game in whole or in parts is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
5.4 All rights not explicitly stated in the Agreement are reserved for the copyright holder of the project.

6. Responsibility of the parties
6.1. The User is responsible to the Administration and third parties for non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
6.2 The User is solely responsible for the implementation of local laws and accepted agreements, if applicable, and to the extent that they are applicable.
6.3. The User compensates the Administration and third parties for any losses incurred in connection with his actions, including, but not limited to violation of this Agreement, copyright, exclusive or other rights.
6.4. The Administration is not responsible for the quality and speed of User access to the Internet. For all technical issues related to the provision of communication services, the User should contact their communication service provider.
6.5. The Administration is not responsible for any User behavior.

7. Final provisions
7.1 This Agreement is an agreement between the copyright holder in the Administration and the User regarding the terms of the User’s participation in the Game, his/her non-reimbursable use of the Game’s features and services, as well as the User’s use of special features of the Game on a reimbursable basis.
7.2 This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the User and is valid for an indefinite time.
7.3. The invalidity of one or more provisions of the Agreement, recognized in accordance with the established procedure by a court decision that has entered into legal force, does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole for the Parties. If one or more provisions of the Agreement are declared invalid in accordance with the established procedure, the Parties undertake to fulfill the obligations assumed under the Agreement, as close as possible to those implied by the Parties at the conclusion.
7.4 This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of the user’s country, as well as the terms and conditions of the agreement.
7.5 All disputes between the parties under this Agreement are subject to settlement by correspondence and negotiations using the mandatory pre-trial (pretentious) procedure. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the written request by the other Party, the dispute must be referred by any interested party to the court at the Licensor’s location (except for the jurisdiction of the case to any other courts).
For questions related to the execution of the Agreement, please contact the Licensor’s location address.

Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement

*User content includes, but is not limited to, nicknames, forum posts, chat messages, voice messages, messenger messages, profile content, gameplay, graphics, screenshots, music, sounds, recordings and other works.

Description and rules of the game Monomanager

What’s it?
— A modern remake of the game that won the hearts of millions of players around the world and went down in history as a Monopoly;
— Dating and communication chat;
— A multi-user online economic strategy based on the market model of financial corporations.

The goal of the game
Maximize your start-up capital and put together the greatest fortune.

Game Features
-Negotiating with other players via voice chat or personal communication;
-Take possession of the assets you need to create your monopoly, developing your thinking and ability to negotiate and think through combinations in advance.

What will you get?
This game will bring you a lot of fun with its unpredictability, intrigue and variety, because each monopoly game is a unique story and an opportunity to spend time in good company!
The dynamics of the game and its duration are unpredictable and depend on the number of participants, on the type of game (classic version or extended), and on the characters you play for, each hero has his own advantages in different monopolies, choose your hero and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of world business, become a successful capitalist and lead a healthy fight with your rivals to the bitter end!

How to play, rules and basic principles of the game
From 2 to 5 players inclusive can take part in one game. The winner is the last non-bankrupt player.
«Monopoly» is a playing field consisting of squares that all players take turns walking in a circle. Squares are divided into assets (enterprise, valuable thing) and events. When it is the player’s turn and the opportunity to make a move, then by throwing a cube, he determines how many steps he should take on the playing field (each step corresponds to one point on the cube and one square on the playing field).

The beginning of the game
At the beginning of the game, each player is given a starting capital of 1500 Btc. Chips of all participants: games are automatically placed on the starting field.
The right of the first move is determined automatically, using a random number generator. The player is given no more than 2 minutes for each turn. A player who fails to complete his turn in the allotted time is automatically declared bankrupt and is eliminated from the game.
The players take turns rolling the dice, in order of the places occupied by them on the game table. The player’s chip moves clockwise by the number of fields corresponding to the sum of the numbers obtained on the dice as a result of the roll. When passing the «Start» field, the player receives 200 BTC. But starting from the 46th minute of the game, money will not be given for the passage of the «Start» field. Thus, the flow of money into the economy of the game will be limited.
However, from 61 minutes the rules are tightened — the owner of the field will receive only 50% of the rent paid to him. This rule begins to reduce the amount of money in the economy, forcing players with weak monopolies (or without them) to bankruptcy. Further, the tax will gradually increase to 99%, reducing the inflow of money to a minimum.

Asset purchases
If, as a result of a roll of the dice, you get into the field of a company that does not belong to anyone yet, you have the right to buy this asset at the price indicated on this field. You can get information about the profitability of the company by clicking on this field.
If you do not have enough «cash» to buy the desired asset, or at the moment you do not want to spend it, you can use a credit line (if you have a subscription to a premium account) and take a loan from a virtual bank to purchase a company. The loan must be returned to the bank within the next 15 moves. You can take out only one loan at a time, and you can get a new one only by paying off the current one.
If you decide not to buy an asset, then it should be put up for auction. The other players take turns bidding at the auction in the same order in which they make moves, or refuse to participate in the auction. The auction step is 10 Btc, the asset owner becomes the player who offered the highest price.
Having become the owner of an asset, you begin to receive dividends every time a co-worker enters the field of this company. In this case, the opponent is obliged to pay the owner the sum indicated on this field.

Asset development
Your task is to develop existing assets to get more profit. To do this, it is necessary to take over all companies of one or more types of business — in other words, to take over a monopoly. Owning a monopoly, you can buy additional shares of your companies belonging to the monopoly during the turn, which significantly increases the profitability of the company for you and causes more damage to your rivals when they hit these fields. You can get information about the profitability of a company depending on the number of available shares by clicking on its field.

You can also take possession of the asset you need to build a monopoly as a result of making deals with other players: if another player already owns the asset you need, you can offer him money and/or another company in exchange. Remember that the exchange combinations for obtaining the desired company may consist of a whole chain of transactions with several players, so it is better to negotiate a deal with rivals earlier, in private messages or in a chat. There is also an opportunity (for premium accounts) to offer to conclude a collective agreement, where at the same time you can specify all the participants who gives what to whom. The exchange combinations should be comparable in value: gifts, favors, loans are not allowed. Violation of this rule entails penalties, including the blocking of the game account.

Dividend payments
If, as a result of a move, you get on the field of a company already owned by your opponent, you are obliged to pay the owner the amount indicated on this field. To pay off the debt, you can use both the money you already have, and the money that you can get from the bank against the collateral of your companies or the sale of your shares, for which, at the time of debt payment, you will see the corresponding interface buttons. If the player’s total capital (the total value of all assets and cash) is not enough to repay the debt, he is declared bankrupt and quits the game.

Prize and penalty fields
There are 6 Chance prize fields on the game board, getting to which you can get an unplanned profit or a fine. The amount of prize payments and penalties varies and depends only on your luck. Also on the game board there are two penalty fields «Hacking» and «Compromising material», getting to which you incur losses, the size of which may also be different.
In addition, each time completing a full game round and passing through the starting field, each player receives an unconditional income of 200 Btc.
Metro field. Getting here, you are randomly offered 4 options where the wa-sha chip can move.
The Airport field. Your chip moves to the Vacation field on the island, where there are 3 moves. For leaving this field, you will have to pay for tickets in the amount of 50 Btc or throw a double on dice in one of three attempts. A direct hit on the field of the Tour Agency does not entail any penalties.

Credits and coins
Loans and coins are not property, a personal account or a means of payment. The player can get 2500 credits for free once a day (if the credits on the account are less than 2500) by clicking the corresponding button on the credit replenishment screen. Credits are introduced into the game in order to spur interest to play to the end.
Transferring credits to another player by intentionally losing, including on a paid basis, is prohibited. The transfer of coins to another player on a reimbursable basis is prohibited. Credits, rating and coins received by the player in this way, if a violation is detected, can be withdrawn by the moderator. Accounts of a player abusing such actions may be blocked. Obscene avatars and nicknames will be blocked. For a relapse, the lockdown will last indefinitely.

Characters and staff
Characters are virtual objects that give advantages in the game, on certain monopoly fields, characters can be modified and advantages can change.
A game character can be either completely fictional or based on real personalities. The level of personification of the character is related to the rules and the plot of the game.

Personnel are virtual items that are purchased and activated for 30 days and give an advantage in monopoly cards during this time, after which they will disappear. The advantages of monopoly cards may change and change among the staff.

Premium status is acquired for a certain time, during which the player will receive the following features:
• The ability to take a 500Btc loan for 15 rounds
• The ability to offer the conclusion of a collective agreement.
• The opportunity to participate in premium tournaments.
• The ability to see the profiles of users who have sent greetings to you in com-unity.
The premium status is stored on the server and linked to the user account.

2 types of tournaments:
— normal (for all participants)
— premium (for premium users who have bought a certain character).

2 types of tournaments:
— the usual one, where everyone plays for himself;
— team, where you can invite a friend to participate in the tournament.

Each participant must register for the tournament in advance.
At a certain time, the tournament starts, and the players are divided into groups, a play-off grid is built, where if they lose, the participant (team) is eliminated from the tournament.
If a participant of the tournament did not enter the game created by the tournament during a certain preparation period — 3 minutes from the creation of the game by the tournament, then he is eliminated.
In the case of a team game, if one of the team members loses, the whole team loses.
By winning on the tournament grid, the user (team) eventually reaches the final and, in case of winning, receives the game currency to his account in the game.
In case of winning the premium tournament, the Administration sends a coupon in private messages with the right to receive it on a certain resource by clicking on the link, while the user is obliged to pay income taxes independently, in accordance with the tax legislation applicable to the user.
The Administration does not depend on and is not associated, sponsored, approved or connected in any way with any resource that provides prizes in the USDT crypto currency. By this Agreement, the Administration declares that it bears limited responsibility for the Application and its contents to the extent specified in this Agreement, and hereby acknowledges and agrees that any third-party resources and subsidiaries of third-party resources are third-party beneficiaries of these terms of the Agreement, which may offer the opportunity to register and create a Third-Party Account with a Third-Party service provider. Such Third-Party Account is subject to the terms, conditions and policies established by the Third-Party Service Provider for such Third-Party Account. You should carefully read the Terms of a third-party service provider before opening a Third-Party account with such a Third-Party Service Provider, in case of disagreement with the terms of a Third-Party Service Provider, you do not need to register and open a Third-Party Account with it. All transactions and other transactions conducted through a Third-Party Account are subject to the Terms of the third-party service provider.

This is important!
The main purpose of the Monomanager community rules is to create comfortable conditions for games and communication for all users. As in real modern business relations, rudeness, rudeness, conflicts and other manifestations of disrespect for each other are not welcome in our community. Please observe the rules of decency and mutual respect when communicating with other players. Please note that by registering and taking part in Monomanager games, you confirm your consent to comply with the following simple rules.

Any kind of insults, degrading treatment, especially insults based on national, social, racial and other individual and personal characteristics, threats of violence outside the game and obscene language are not allowed. It also does not allow the dissemination of any links to third-party resources, advertising, any illegal or offensive information. Monomanager is a virtual gaming community, but we ask you to observe the same rules of decency and etiquette that you observe when visiting real public institutions.

Participation in games
Please, when participating in games in our community, follow the rules of fair, fair play. We do not welcome manifestations of unsportsmanlike behavior. Remember: this is all just a game. Any attempts to achieve victory in the game by dishonest means are not allowed. It is categorically unacceptable to merge a party — transferring one’s assets in the game to another player for nothing, unequal exchange of companies, donation and other actions that violate the natural gameplay. If you are defeated, please keep your dignity, do not insult or humiliate your opponent — after all, there are no victories without defeats. And, on the contrary, avoid disparaging your rivals if you win over them.